Monsters vs Mecha - Regel tweaks
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Monsters vs Mecha - Regel tweaks
Okay veteranen, laat het maar horen, wat moet er gefixt worden, wat moet er weg en wat missen wij nog? Ik hoor graag jullie suggesties!
Proposed fixes:
- Movement bonuses
- Revamped melee / melee bonuses
Hier zijn alvast wat tweaks waar ik aan heb gewerkt, laat maar weten wat jullie ervan vinden!
Mosh Pit: If a model can come into contact with the mosh pit objective and hold it uncontested for a whole turn, that side scores three points. If the point is contested, no points can be scored until one side has been cleared, as the models will be far too busy killing one another.
The mosh pit confers a 3+ invulnerable save against all incoming ranged attacks for models in base contact with the objective. Also, any melee kills made while holding on to the mosh pit count as double points.
An Angry City: All buildings, ruins and other terrain pieces are subject to the special encounters rule detailed below.
Special encounters.
Whenever a building is hit by weapon fire or entered by a monstrous creature roll a D6. On a 5+ a special encounter is triggered. If your roll does not trigger anything roll again next time something happens, but add +1 to the roll until an event is triggered. The D6 roll can never be modified beyond 2+.
Once a special encounter has been triggered, roll a D6 to see what the result is, adding +1 to the roll for every 5 points scored, regardless of faction.
D6 result.
1-4: MARBO STRIKES! - An angry Marbo goes on a roaring rampage of revenge. Marbo appears in the building or terrain feature, 1” away from the offending model. If no model is present Marbo will appear in the middle of the feature. Upon appearing Marbo will shoot at the closest model present and if possible, assault it. A game can only have up to six Marbos active at any time.
5-6: CENTURION ENGAGED! - The big guns are called in as a Centurion suit drops in from orbit, armed with a gravity cannon and amplifier device. The Centurion will land close to the offending model or if none are present, be deployed on the high ground from which it will engage any models within firing range. A game can only have up to three Centurions active at any time.
7+: IRA DEI a.k.a. The Wrath of God. Now you’ve done it, all restrictions have been lifted and the city sector has been deemed a lost cause, allowing the military to deploy their last, best hope in trying to keep the city safe: SOL 740, or Satellite Orbital Laser, an orbital weapons platform armed with a powerful laser array designed to glass entire continents. The heavens open up and an apocalyptic template is centered over the building in question, which then proceed to scatter 3D6” if a miss is rolled.
Proposed fixes:
- Movement bonuses
- Revamped melee / melee bonuses
Hier zijn alvast wat tweaks waar ik aan heb gewerkt, laat maar weten wat jullie ervan vinden!
Mosh Pit: If a model can come into contact with the mosh pit objective and hold it uncontested for a whole turn, that side scores three points. If the point is contested, no points can be scored until one side has been cleared, as the models will be far too busy killing one another.
The mosh pit confers a 3+ invulnerable save against all incoming ranged attacks for models in base contact with the objective. Also, any melee kills made while holding on to the mosh pit count as double points.
An Angry City: All buildings, ruins and other terrain pieces are subject to the special encounters rule detailed below.
Special encounters.
Whenever a building is hit by weapon fire or entered by a monstrous creature roll a D6. On a 5+ a special encounter is triggered. If your roll does not trigger anything roll again next time something happens, but add +1 to the roll until an event is triggered. The D6 roll can never be modified beyond 2+.
Once a special encounter has been triggered, roll a D6 to see what the result is, adding +1 to the roll for every 5 points scored, regardless of faction.
D6 result.
1-4: MARBO STRIKES! - An angry Marbo goes on a roaring rampage of revenge. Marbo appears in the building or terrain feature, 1” away from the offending model. If no model is present Marbo will appear in the middle of the feature. Upon appearing Marbo will shoot at the closest model present and if possible, assault it. A game can only have up to six Marbos active at any time.
5-6: CENTURION ENGAGED! - The big guns are called in as a Centurion suit drops in from orbit, armed with a gravity cannon and amplifier device. The Centurion will land close to the offending model or if none are present, be deployed on the high ground from which it will engage any models within firing range. A game can only have up to three Centurions active at any time.
7+: IRA DEI a.k.a. The Wrath of God. Now you’ve done it, all restrictions have been lifted and the city sector has been deemed a lost cause, allowing the military to deploy their last, best hope in trying to keep the city safe: SOL 740, or Satellite Orbital Laser, an orbital weapons platform armed with a powerful laser array designed to glass entire continents. The heavens open up and an apocalyptic template is centered over the building in question, which then proceed to scatter 3D6” if a miss is rolled.
Re: Monsters vs Mecha - Regel tweaks
mogelijke verbeteringen:
de objective meer punten maken zodat het claimen interessanter kan worden dan enkel het opblazen van de tegenstander
Als je meer close combat wil dan of dichter bij elkaar laten beginnen of de optie geven om sneller te lopen ipv schieten.
Marbo mag zijn targets iets meer random bepalen (dobbelsteen gooien oid)in plaats van gestuurd te worden door een speler :P
de objective meer punten maken zodat het claimen interessanter kan worden dan enkel het opblazen van de tegenstander
Als je meer close combat wil dan of dichter bij elkaar laten beginnen of de optie geven om sneller te lopen ipv schieten.
Marbo mag zijn targets iets meer random bepalen (dobbelsteen gooien oid)in plaats van gestuurd te worden door een speler :P
Re: Monsters vs Mecha - Regel tweaks
Hier is alvast een gereviseerde versie die overal aan het verspreiden ben voor de nodige feedback:
Re: Monsters vs Mecha - Regel tweaks
ziet er goed uit zo. Misschien een leuk idee dat monsters ook gebouwen kunnen slopen(bunker av 12 ofzo) en vervangen met kraters of oppakken en als wapen gebruiken? Geen idee of het te doen is, maar het lijkt me wel cool
Re: Monsters vs Mecha - Regel tweaks
Was iets waar ik al eerder mee speelde maar eruit heb gelaten voor the sake of simplicity, maar gebouwen slopen is zeer zeker iets waar ik naar wil kijken, enig probleem is dan dat we binnen de kortste keren een kale tafel hebben met alleen maar ranged combat units.
Re: Monsters vs Mecha - Regel tweaks
dat is wel waar, en een regenerating building table maakt het wel overgecompliceerd
Re: Monsters vs Mecha - Regel tweaks
Idd, ik will mij zoveel mogelijk aan het KISS principe houden zodat het niet teveel boekhouden vereist en voor iedereen toegankelijk is.
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